Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Get Google Ads Free Review

So yet another too good to be true product has just launched itself into the market. Namely, 'Get Google Ads Free'. The author claims that he has received millions in free advertising and not just any old advertising, the mother load of advertising, called Google Adwords.

Now by my nature I am an optimist and I am pretty surprised that I did not see this product 4 months ago when it launched. I actually just bought it around 4 days ago and was quite intrigued by it.

As I said, I am an optimist, in fact I envision that soon I will raking in hundreds of millions just as the author claims he has over his illustrious 9 years in internet marketing. Now exactly what method will I use. Will it be his tactics in his book. Who knows?

Hey, I have made many mistakes in my online marketing career but I always look at mistakes as opportunities to grow and learn. I've learnt that quick fixes and complicated formula's rarely work when it comes to internet marketing, I will not mention what I have tried and failed but I will say that I won't give up. Heck, I feel pretty inspired right now. Maybe I should post more often.

In any case, with an IT background, the job world was never meant for me and my quest for financial freedom continues. I will keep you posted on when I accomplish this feat, the target is $100K in my bank account and $20K/month all from online businesses. Currently, I average around $500/month with no real savings in my bank account. I will accomplish this 'simple' feat by October 20, 2007. Impossible you say, nay I say. The impossible exists to be made possible.

Well I seemed to have digressed from my original post, but let's get back on track. So, after reading this quite interesting e-book, which by the way is the second product online I have hit to be produced by someone who has hit the $100 million dollar category and above. The other was 'The Rebel Millionaire', although many of his tactics were based in the offline marketing arena.

So in my extensive 1 year 5 mos career as an internet marketer I have picked up a few interesting lessons. Lesson #1, don't go for the quick cash without first looking at the long term. There were many programs I vigorously pursued for the short term cash but did not realize that in the long term they would not hold up and produce the kind of money I am seeking as they do not employ leverage appropriately - i.e. I have to work way too hard to make the cash.

In 'Get Google Ads Free', I see that his approach is truly based on basic fundamentals and principles that have and will continue to endure the rigorous test of time. These strategies applied have already made countless millionaires in the offline marketing world and no doubt work in online marketing.

There are many varied opinions on this program, and it will not work for those who think there is no work or committment required, as anything worthwhile in life requires at least that. What I can say is the idea is rock solid and is already being applied by many and does work if you have the committment to find a way to make it work. The opportunity is there so check it out for yourself - click here for 'Get Google Ads Free'.

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