Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Tracking Adsense Ads

Tracking the adsense ads on your site is very important as it will really help you to know how to better optimize your ads for greater returns. Google allows you to setup channels which are can be linked to specific ad units you place on your site which can then show you important tracking information like click through rates and cost per click for those ads.

If you do not have many sites then be sure to use channels for as many ads as possible. You are limited to 200 channels so if you do have a lot of sites then only use one channel per site to see how each site performs overall. The main key information that channel tracking will let you see is the click through rate of your ads.

If you find a particular site has a very low click through like under 1 percent then there are a few things you can do. Placing ads towards the center of the page and above the fold on your site can really help to boost ctr since this will get your ads noticed more often. Also integrating adsense ads into your article page content can also help to increase the click through rates.

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